Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Okay...so I accidently deleted my pilgrimage post request for prayers, but that's alright. I'm back, it went well, Our Lady is amazing.

Also - Today is the feast of St. James, Apostle. He was the first apostle to be martyred and was killed by Herod Agrippa. His relics are currently in a cathedral in Compostella, Spain and he is patron of that country.


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks; the priest chaplain at the monastery asked me if I wanted to go to Our Lady of Good Help Shrine with him in Wisconsin. It's the site of an alleged apparition of the Blessed Mother and is run by the Diocese of Green Bay. It was a really short trip, but a good one. It was interesting, but good. I actually learned a lot just from talking to him.

9:09 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

PS - I actually only posted it originally yesterday morning and it double-posted somehow so when I went to fix it, I accidentally deleted both...that's why you probably don't remember seeing it.

9:10 PM  

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